The Asia Joint Conference on Computing (AJCC) provides a platform for engineers and scientists from both industry and academia to present their ongoing work, relate their research outcomes and experiences, and discuss the best and most efficient techniques for the development of reliable, secure, and trustworthy systems. It also represents an excellent opportunity for the academic community to become more aware of subject areas critical to the software industry as practitioners bring their needs to the table.


*We accept both Thai and English articles in the following topics* (but not limited to):

  1. AI: Artificial Intelligence: including Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Text Retrieval, Image and Video Classification, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Image and Video Retrieval, Deep Learning 
  2. SE: Software Engineering: including Software Engineering, Software Development 
  3. KDM: Knowledge and Data Management 
  4. CSN: Computer Systems and Networks: including Computer Systems, Computer Networks, Cybersecurity 
  5. MCG: Multimedia, Computer Graphics and Games 
  6. DSA: Data Science and Analytics 
  7. ES: Embedded Systems and Internet of Thing (IoT) 
  8. CB: Computer Business 
  9. GIS: Geographic Information System: including Geographic Information System, Remote Sensing 
  10. DP: Data Privacy: including Data Privacy, PDPA, Open Data, Data Governance 
  11. CMCE: Creative Media and Computer Education 



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